Even though he phrases is as a question, it almost sounded like a command. -- You are already unzipping his pants and we plainly see his bulge. -- You don't really think anything of it at first, but somewhere deep in your mind, it occurs to you that Tyrone does seem different somehow. -- You are so consumed with lust for his amazing body and gigantic cock, however, that you just overlook the thought as you pull his immense black hose out of his expensive leather pants. -- His cock looks almost completely hard already and seems bigger than you remember, as you begin sucking the head and licking his balls. -- Marc & I are content to watch as we are both somewhat intimidated by the sheer size of this man. -- We knew he was tall and an accomplished athlete...but he looks like a fuckin' superhero or something! -- He carries himself with a kind of smug, almost arrogant self-confidence which, if he wasn't so damn hot, would just piss you (and us) off! -- He is sipping his cold beer as you go. Personally I was in no rush to repeat my time asGaby but I could tell Rhod was intrigued."One condition." I started"You'll do it?" Hang on, I didn't say yes yet." What condition?" If you can't make us pass as girls by next weekend wereout." Agreed!"Rhod looked a bit unsure but nodded his ascent."Okay, we'll go to Meadowhall on Saturday, if anyoneguesses you are boys we'll call it off for the dance." What now?" Us girls will get everything together and we'll starttomorrow." We need to choose costumes now though, I've brought myManga."Well we started to look through the Japanese comics andafter a couple of hours the girls had picked out everyone'scostumes. If anyone saw through these costumes we were introuble! Bernie was to be Sailor Blue, Maddie Prince, Rhodgot Yellow, Ally would be Pink and I drew Sakur! What hadwe let ourselves in for!We all stayed for tea then a session of PS2 before weheaded home agreeing to meet at Ally's at ten next morning.I have to admit that I wasn't really.
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